The Vanuatu Deputy Prime Minister, Bob Loughman, also Acting PM, has removed two Leaders Party of Vanuatu (LPV) Members of Parliament, from Ministerial positions.
This afternoon Hon. Jotham Napat was advised through a letter, that the Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Bob Loughman, whilst Acting as Prime Minister, had removed him and former Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries, Hon. Matai Seremaiah as ministers.
However, the letter of removal identified no specific reason or cause and was written only to the point of removal.
“We became aware via social media posts that some of our coalition colleagues had become threatened by our party’s support in Vanuatu.”
“We were elected to represent our constituents and have done so with integrity,” Hon. Napat said.
“We are deeply saddened some of our colleagues have put their own interests ahead of the people of Vanuatu. This is not something the Leaders Party of Vanuatu condones.”
Hon. Napat has spoken personally with the Prime Minister who told him both he and former Minister Seremaiah were the two best performing Ministers in the government.
“We are proud of our achievements as a party, representing our constituents and as members of the Salwai government. We have delivered many projects and policies that have seen growth throughout Vanuatu.”
The current LPV president and former Minister for Public Utilities and Infrastructure Hon. Napat says “We have been committed to the party’s promise of strength, integrity and leadership and has been a loyal servant of the Salwai Government.”
“We will continue to serve the people of Vanuatu and hope our colleagues in government will share our vision of putting the people first rather than their own self-interest,” Hon. Napat said.
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